Watch this episode of Naruto Shippuden 229 before you read our TailedFox summary of this episode.
Naruto crew has landed in a nearby island to restock the food supplies. Aoba has reaffirmed that their ocean voyage has only begun to which Guy almost collapsed. Aoba then instructed that they'll be sailing through the Sea Route of Silence, a place in the ocean with no fish in its waters or wind in the air above it. In fact no motor boat or steam ship can sail through it as magnetic field in this area is so strong engines wouldn't function. Boat simply catches a small current flowing through the middle of canal. Once in it, there is no going back.
Naruto and his donkey head out to shop. When done, fly buzzes around donkeys nose and make this thing freak out. Naruto calms the donkey down after a while, but not before storming down the street like a maniac and hitting an old lady spilling her groceries all over the floor. Coming back to apologize, he is asked if he is a ninja from Hidden Leaf. Naruto wanting to make amends suggest buying some provisions from this lady. Lady suggests just a small mushroom called Moldshroom. Word is they're delicious and work well in case of emergency. Naruto gladly bought one not realizing that this old lady was a pirate and this mushroom was a poison
Bushy Brows decided to throw a "cute spoiled brat" act, saying he wouldn't board the ship again. Naruto set him straight by knocking him right out. Ship sailed out.
Mushroom started acting out its magic. Being placed right in the middle of all food supplies this moldshroom Yamato just finished saying how safe this part of the ocean is when he suddenly became sick. Eroding Yamato's chakra and spoiling all the food and water supply moldshroom grew. When noticed, all provisions were spoiled and unsafe to eat. The only thing to eat for next two weeks were these poisonous mushrooms.
Human body without nutrients turns its own muscles into protein and fat into energy. This may last few weeks. So long as one keeps hydrated. Naruto and his crew survived a week. Guy sensei thought of one last gamble. Throwing paper-rock-scissors Guy lost to Naruto, but he relinquishes the idea of being able to finally eat. Diving into the colorful mushroom Guy stuffs his face with them. Surprised how good they tasted, Guy kept on eating. Naruto couldn't hold it either and dived in this parasitic fungus as well.
Purple but happy both Naruto and Guy sensei felt energized and happy. Getting really crazy about eating they started play-fighting. They destroying the ship in the process. Naruto called summoning jutsu to try to eat Gamatatsu.
Pirate ship crew boarded Naruto ship when they were all passed out and defenseless. Pirate that sold this moldshroom to Naruto explained the genius of his trick saying this moldshroom liked dark and moist places. Exposed to moisture this mushroom becomes toxic and propagates easily. Pirates thinking that all were dead, boarded the ship looking for treasure. Naruto caught them by surprise when he suddenly got up and confronted these pirates.
He explained that Gamatatsu brought him some of Granny Shima's cooking. It tasted awful but it kept them alive and now it's time to punish the perpetrators. Sending them on a small raft, barrel of water and one magic mushroom, pirates went back through Sea Route of Silence. One can only imagine how their two week stay went.
Mushrooms or bugs? Bon appetite! Until they reach another port that's what they're eating.
Next episode of Naruto Shippuden 230 is called "Revenge of the Shadow Clones". Naruto clones are fighting Naruto. They have evidently decided to take control of the ship and put forth their demands. Watch it with us next Thursday September 29th right here at TailedFox.